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Where can we use gallery?

  1. Add Images from Listings and Create Folders using SKU Names: This feature allows users to seamlessly enhance their image management by adding images directly from listings and organizing them into folders named after the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit). Users can efficiently store and manage listing-related images in a structured manner.
    • Usage:
      1. Navigate to the desired listing or product within the application.
      2. Locate the “Add Image” option within the listing interface.
      3. Click on “Create Folder” to establish a new folder for the SKU associated with the listing.
      4. Name the folder using the SKU of the product.
      5. Upload relevant images directly from the listing interface to the newly created folder.
      6. Optionally, include additional details or metadata for each image, such as descriptions or tags.
    • Benefits:
      • Contextual Image Management: Users can associate images directly with listings, maintaining context and relevance.
      • Efficient Organization: Creating folders based on SKU names ensures a systematic arrangement of listing-related images, simplifying navigation.
      • Enhanced Productivity: The streamlined process of adding images from listings to SKU-specific folders optimizes workflow and saves time.
  1. Add Images for Product and Create Folders using SKU Names: This feature empowers users to efficiently manage product images by allowing them to add images directly for a specific product. Additionally, users can create folders named after the SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) associated with the product, providing a structured way to store and organize images.
  • Usage:
    1. Navigate to the product management section or interface within the application.
    2. Locate the “Add Image” option associated with the chosen product.
    3. Click on “Create Folder” to establish a new folder, naming it using the SKU of the product.
    4. Upload relevant images directly from the product interface to the newly created SKU-specific folder.
    5. Optionally, include additional details or metadata for each image, such as descriptions or tags.
  • Benefits:
    • Product-Centric Image Management: Users can associate images directly with specific products, ensuring a focused and organized approach to image storage.
    • SKU-Based Organization: Creating folders based on SKU names allows for a systematic arrangement of product-related images, making it easy to locate and manage them.
    • Effortless Workflow: The seamless process of adding images for products and organizing them into SKU-specific folders enhances user productivity and streamlines image management tasks.
  1. Add Images for Product Categories and Create Folders using Category Names: This feature facilitates efficient image management for product categories by allowing users to add images directly for a specific category. Users can create folders named after the product category, providing a structured way to store and organize images related to that category.
  • Usage:
    1. Navigate to the product category management section or interface within the application.
    2. Locate the “Add Image” option associated with the chosen product category.
    3. Click on “Create Folder” to establish a new folder, naming it using the category name.
    4. Upload relevant images directly from the product category interface to the newly created category-specific folder.
    5. Optionally, include additional details or metadata for each image, such as descriptions or tags.
  • Benefits:
    • Category-Focused Image Management: Users can associate images directly with specific product categories, ensuring a focused and organized approach to image storage.
    • Folder Organization by Category: Creating folders based on category names allows for a systematic arrangement of category-related images, making it easy to locate and manage them.
    • Simplified Workflow: The seamless process of adding images for product categories and organizing them into category-specific folders enhances user productivity and streamlines image management tasks.

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